Wednesday, June 26, 2013

KnisheryNYC: the Rolling Stones of Knishes?

Just because the Stones don't put out a record or tour for 8 years, it doesn't mean they don't exist anymore. KnisheryNYC is hardly an aged classic rock dinosaur pretending they still interest anyone under the age of 30, but it looks like Summer '13 will find KNYC in stand-by mode. Mr. Potatohead is working on his side project, Onyn "Tears" Caramelingo has checked into rehab and Doughboy McGee just needs to stretch out. (Sorry.) In addition, the guy who bakes the knishes has accepted a full-time gig from his pre-knish career that may roll into Fall.
After non-stop crying for 4 weeks, Onyn became roomies with Lindsay.
However, we will continue to supply Malt & Mold with knishes, so you an always taste the knishiness whenever you're on the Lower East Side. We just dropped a fresh load off this past week, which included:

  • Potato & Caramelized Onion
  • Spinach & Roasted Garlic
  • Pastrami & Potato
  • Kasha

In the next few weeks, I will post more details about special orders and catering for parties. Basically, as long as the order is large enough with enough lead time, the Knishery NYC ovens can be lit up on demand!

Until your next knish,


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